Every evening, I always go to padang kompleks sukan for a brisk walk. There, I saw a lot of people jog as well. Some even jogs 10 rounds everyday. And they are not young people, but 40, 50 & 60 years OLD. I said "GILA" . Instead of jog 10 rounds, couldn't it be better if they stay at home and tanam sayur instead. Body also healthy and no need to spend money to buy sayur. Maybe they have other reason to jog 10 'gila' round. Probably they plan to join Olympic , or Sea Games , or some sort of Marathon ... I ask them. They simply answer they just LOVE & ENJOY jogging 10 'gila' round. I said ... aaaaa I see. But actually I don't really see. If they are doing it for fun, why the heck they doing it so SERIOUSLY. Maybe some may think since they are old, and doing it for fun (but yet so hard), you might think you could out-run them anytimes ... but oh ... how wrong you are, because, on the contrary, they really run so fast, non-stop, pumping muscle with each strike, blazing the heat , cutting through the wind ... and believe it or not, they could qualified to enter Olympic games anytimes. And they are doing all this, knowing at the finish line there will be no gold medal, no cheques and no spectator to celebrate them.
Same like someone I know, who loves to read company Annual Report, analysing quarterly financial statement, studying the business, management, and economies, calculate the math problem ... one by one by one .... and day after day after day. Sure this 'someone' doing this 'gila' task, because s/he wants to make a LOT of MONEY in share market right ? And as surprised as you may not, s/he doing it because s/he LOVE & ENJOY them .... meaning s/he does not make money from it ? Kah kah kah ... as far as I know, s/he makes tons of money. The only thing is that 'making money' is not the objective, but just a 'side effect' of her/his hobby. This is definitely one kind of side effect that everyone wish to have, of course minus the hobby please !!